How to submit UC Immunization Requirements
Please compare your available immunization records to the UCR requirements. For any missing requirements, you can speak to your medical provider about having immunizations or MMR and Varicella titers to check for positive immunity. Review the UCR Student TB Process Diagram to see if any TB testing or screening may need to be done and what forms need to be filled out by your medical provider to meet TB compliance. Follow the steps on the Immunization Requirements page to meet TB compliance.
Active students can go to Student Health Services to complete their missing requirements. Students with active UCSHIP will have coverage for visits and vaccinations. Students without UCSHIP will be considered cash patients. Please call 951-827-3031 Option 2 to schedule appointments and discuss current cash prices. Admitted students will need to visit their medical provider or local pharmacies.
International Students
If you need assistance with required vaccines that are not available in your country, please log in to the patient portal click on messages, click new message, choose immunization mandate staff and send a secure message with the vaccine(s) that are not available in your country.
Please translate all required documentation to English before uploading.
Video Tutorials
- Step 1. Preparing for Immunization Compliance
- Step 2. Meeting Immunization Requirements
- Step 3. TB Screening and Testing
- Step 4. COVID-19 Booster Program Compliance
- Step 5. Need Help?
Immunization Requirements FAQs
Document Submission
Am I required to upload my documents?
Yes, it is a requirement to upload your immunization records in the patient portal in the medical clearance section under “immunization records” for verification of your dates.Can I mail/email or bring in my records in person for submission?
No. For privacy and protection of your personal health information we only accept records uploaded in your patient portal. You will need to log in the patient portal and upload your immunization records in the medical clearance section.Can I make a change to the records I submitted?
Yes, you can if you have not input a “non-compliant” date. Please leave the date field blank if you do not have the age required vaccine. This will allow you to update the field when you receive the vaccine. If you submit a non-compliant date, you may not be able to change it. If unable to update, send a secure message to the Immunization Staff for assistance.I have additional documents I want to upload where can I upload them?
Log in to your patient portal, under medical clearance upload in the “immunization record.”What if I do not have my immunization records?
You can contact your previous high school/college, medical providers or your parents for your records. If these options are not available to you, you will need to receive your vaccinations again. MMR and Varicella have the options for titers as proof of immunity. Tdap and Meningococcal vaccination is required. *Meningococcal vaccine is applicable to students between the ages of 16-21.Where can I check if I have met the immunization requirements?
Log into your patient portal, on the home page click on the option “Immunization Record.” Each immunization will show a “Compliant” in green or “Non-compliant” in red.When are immunization and TB screening/clearance due?
All immunizations and TB screening/clearance is due prior to arriving on campus.
Students who do not submit their immunizations may experience academic holds and will not be permitted to register for their next quarter classes.
Can I have an extension on completing my immunization requirements?
Students are expected to complete their immunization requirements before attending UCR. UCR Student Health Services offers immunizations and TB clearance testing. You can call 951- 827-3031 to schedule an appointment and ask about fees for the appointment. Please note UCSHIP (UC school medical insurance) will NOT cover your immunizations if you are not an active, registered student. Please go to https://studenthealth.ucr.edu/student-health-insurance-plan-ship for information on UCSHIP and coverage dates.Will I get a confirmation that my records have been received or reviewed?
Secure Messages are sent in the patient portal to students who are still missing vaccinations or TB clearance.
You are able to check your own compliance by logging into the patient portal and selecting the option “Medical Clearances.” If you see you are non-compliant and have not received a message regarding your immunization compliance, your record may not have been reviewed yet. Please continue to work on your non-compliant requirements. Response time is 5-7 business days depending on volume.
Can I request a personal or religious belief exemption?
No, only medical exemptions are permitted. Students with medical conditions that are contraindicated to MMR, Varicella, Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines may submit a medical exemption request form that was completed and signed by a licensed treating medical provider.Do I need to comply with the immunization requirements although I was an undergraduate at UCR and now entering into graduate school?
Yes, all incoming students must comply, even if you previously attended UCR. ATTENTION GRADUATES: If you did not complete the UC immunization requirements in your undergraduate program, you are considered a new student in your graduate program and will be expected to complete immunization compliance.Are there any exempt programs/majors?
• OENR- EngineeringHow do I submit my medical exemption request?
Log in to the patient portal, click on “downloadable forms,” go to medical exemption request and click the download button. Take the form to your medical provider to complete and sign. Once completed upload the form under the “downloadable forms” options.
Medical exemption requests are approved by the Medical Director and clearance is given by immunization staff. You will receive a secure message in the patient portal once your medical exemption has been approved. You can review the exemption in your medical clearances. -
Immunizations: MMR, Varicella, Tdap and Meningococcal
What if I received individual doses of Measles, Mumps or Rubella?
This is sufficient as long as you have received each AFTER your first birthday and TWO vaccines of each at least one month apart.I received the first dose of MMR before my first birthday, what should I do?
You can either receive titers as proof of immunity or receive an additional vaccine.Varicella
I received the first dose of Varicella before my first birthday, what should I do?
You can receive an additional Varicella vaccine, or complete titers that show proof of positive immunity. Titer lab reports of values must be uploaded.If I had the chicken pox disease does that clear me for the Varicella requirement?
No, you will need to have positive titers completed as proof of immunity for Varicella. History of the disease is not sufficient.Tdap
I received Td/DTap/DTP does this satisfy the requirement?
No, you will need to receive Tdap on or after the age of 7.Do you allow titers for Tdap?
No, we are not accepting titers, only the vaccine given on or after the age of 7.I received Tdap before my seventh birthday, does this count?
No, you will need to receive an additional vaccine of Tdap to satisfy the requirement.Meningococcal ACYW– Students between the ages of 16-21 years of age
I received Meningococcal B, Trumenba or Bexsero, does this satisfy the requirement?
No, you must receive Meningococcal ACYW, also known as Menactra or Menveo to satisfy this requirement. This applies for students between the ages of 16-21.Do you allow titers for Meningococcal?
No, we are not accepting titers, only the vaccine given on or after the age of 16.I received the Meningococcal vaccine before my sixteenth birthday, does this count?
No, you will need to receive an additional vaccine of the Meningococcal ACYW vaccine to satisfy the requirement.
Tuberculosis Testing
Is the TB Screening Questions required?
Yes, you are required to answer the TB screening questions in the patient portal.I think I made an error on my TB Risk Screening Questionnaire?
You must send a secure message in the patient portal to the Immunization Mandate Staff to reset your questions.I completed a TB test and/or negative chest x-ray previously, does this satisfy the requirement?
No, if your TB test is not within 12 months prior to your first attendance date, it will not meet the requirement. A negative chest x-ray alone does not meet the requirement. Please review the UCR Student TB Process Diagram and follow the steps on the Immunization Requirements chart** to meet TB complianceWhat should I do if I have the BCG vaccine?
After completing the TB Screening questions, if TB testing is required, please follow the BCG guidelines on the UCR TB medical clearance form in the patient portal.What if I had a prior positive TB test?
Please refer to the UCR Student TB Process Diagram for instructions on what to do for prior positive TB tests.Where can I check if I am compliant for the TB requirements/ if TB testing is required?
Login to the patient portal and click on the option “Medical Clearances.” Tuberculosis testing and TB Medical Form will be indicated by a “Compliant” in green or “Non-compliant” in red. “To check if TB testing is required, you must have completed the TB screening questions:
After completing the TB screening questions, if further testing is required, you will be taken immediately to the Further Action Necessary page. Only ONE TB test is required with a negative result.
Immunization Mandate Forms
The Tuberculosis (TB) Medical Clearance Form can be downloaded and used as treatment verification for those who had a positive TB test.
Students with medical exemptions to the required vaccinations must have their medical provider complete and sign the Medical Exemption Request form which can be found in the patient portal in “Downloadable Forms” .