Patient Rights

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

You have the right to be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity. You have a right to nondiscriminatory care from your doctors, other health care providers, and the Student Health Services staff regardless of your race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, genetic information, or source of payment.

You have the right to privacy. Examinations, consultations, and treatment will be conducted in private.

You have the right to communicate with health care providers in confidence and to have any individually identifiable health care information about you protected. You must authorize any release of personal health information, except when required by law. You also have the right to review and to obtain a copy of your own medical record and to request amendments to your record.

  • With very few exceptions, individually identifiable health care information can be used without written consent only for health purposes, including the provision of health care, payment for services, health promotion, disease management, and quality assurance.
  • In addition, examples of legally permitted disclosures without written consent include medical or health care research for which an institutional review board has determined anonymous records will not suffice, investigation of health care fraud, and public health reporting.
  • When disclosure occurs, no greater amount of information will be disclosed than is necessary to achieve the specific purpose of the disclosure.

You have the right to receive accurate, easily understood information to make informed decisions about your health care, health plan, care professionals, and facilities. This information will include:

  • Health care: To the degree known, complete information concerning the diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis.
  • Health plan: Covered benefits, cost-sharing, procedures for resolving complaints, and provider network composition.
  • Health professionals: Education, board certification, recertification, and years of practice.
  • Health care facilities: Services provided, patient satisfaction, procedures for resolving complaints, and campus benefits provided.

You have the right and responsibility to fully participate in all decisions related to your health care, except when contraindicated for health reasons. If you are unable to fully participate in treatment decisions, you have the right to be represented by parents, guardians, family members, or other conservators.

  • Consistent with the informed consent process, you have the right to easily understood information and the opportunity to decide among treatment options, including the option of no treatment at all.
  • You have the right to discuss all risks, benefits, and consequences of treatment or no treatment.
  • You have the right to a discussion of the use of advance directives, living wills, and durable powers of attorney for health care — with your health care provider and your designated family members. You can download an advance health care directive information and form online.
  • You can expect that your health care provider will abide by the decisions made by you and/or your designated representatives consistent with the informed consent process.

You have the right to ready access to easily understood information concerning your rights and responsibilities, the services available to you, after-hours and emergency care, fees, payment policies, and the credentials of the health care professionals. This information can be found through the following sources in the SHS office or website.

  • University of California Student Health Insurance Plan (UCSHIP) brochures
  • The Student Health Services brochures
  • The Confidentiality Statement/Patient Rights and Responsibilities
  • Student Health Services personnel

You have the right to choose your health care providers.

  • You have the right to request the same practitioner for continuity of care.
  • You have the right to change health care practitioners.
  • You have the right to a second medical opinion before making a decision.

You have the right to accurate and clearly presented marketing and advertising information about your health plan, health care professionals, and health care services.

You have the right to communicate your thoughts about your health care to Student Health Services. You have the right to a fair, fast, and objective review of any complaint you may have against the health plan, doctors, other health care personnel, or the facility.

You have the right to a comfortable and considerate environment that respects your dignity.

All medical consultations, examinations, or procedures have the potential to be distressing to patients. Patients may find examinations involving the genitals or rectum in all individuals, or breasts in females particularly intrusive. Having trained health care professionals serve as chaperones during sensitive examinations or any time the patient, legal guardian, or provider requests assistance, protects both our patients and health care providers.

Patient Responsibilities

With patient rights come patient responsibilities. Active participation in your health care will assure the best outcome.

  • Maximize healthy habits: exercise, don't smoke or use illegal drugs, eat a healthy diet, and don't abuse alcohol.
  • Become involved in care decisions.
  • Work collaboratively with providers in developing and carrying out agreed-upon treatment plans.
  • Provide accurate and complete information to your provider about your health, any medications you’re currently taking, including over-the-counter products, dietary supplements you’re currently taking, and any allergies or sensitivities.
  • Clearly communicate your wants and needs. If you are uncomfortable with disclosure, let your provider know that.
  • Become knowledgeable about your health plan coverage and options, including limitations, exclusions, rules regarding referrals and use of network providers, and processes to secure additional information. This information is in the plan brochure and can also be found in the Summary of Benefits and Coverage.
  • Provide a responsible adult to transport you home and stay with you if need be, if required by your provider.
  • Inform your provider about any living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive that could affect your care.
  • Show respect for other patients and the health care workers.
  • Accept personal responsibility to meet your financial obligations for your health care.
  • It is the patient's responsibility to upload their completed and executed advance directive into their electronic chart through the patient portal so it is available for their provider.

Notice to Consumers

AB659 Sec5. 120390.6 It is the public policy of the state that students who are 26 years of age or younger are advised to adhere to current immunization guidelines, as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians, regarding full human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization before first-time enrollment at an institution of the California State University, the University of California, or the California Community Colleges.

Medical doctors are licensed and regulated by the Medical Board of California. To check up on a license or to file a complaint go to, email:, or call (800) 633-2322.

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