UCR Students

Students From Other UC Campuses

The student health center at each University of California campus gladly offers reciprocal access to its services to currently registered students from all other UC campuses under the same conditions that apply to its own students who are not enrolled in its campus Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Students enrolled in their home campus SHIP may receive special discounts, benefits, or services at their home campus student health center. These special, campus-funded arrangements will not apply at another UC campus.

For UC students from other campuses using the UC Riverside Student Health Services (SHS):

  • Eligibility: Bring your student ID and arrive 20 minutes early for your appointment to allow time for verification of your status as a currently registered student at your home UC campus.
  • Fees: Students from other UC campuses will be charged the same fees that are charged to UCR students who do not have USHIP or GSHIP. This will include a visit fee and fees for any lab work, X-rays, or procedures. Payment is due at the time of service. Checks and credit cards are accepted. SHS does not bill insurance. A detailed invoice will be provided to you so that you may file a claim for reimbursement with your insurance company.

For UCR students using the student health services of another UC campus: 

  • The scope of student health services and fee structures vary from campus to campus. Check the website of the campus you are visiting for specifics.  
  • If you have a UCR Student Health Insurance Plan, you may submit your bill to your SHIP plan for reimbursement. For help with this process, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at (951) 827-3031.
  • If you have private health insurance, consult your plan for reimbursement information.
  • For questions and further information, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at (951) 827-3031.